Class Marketing Materials – Turning Point Faith

Other than Sharing the Gospel,
the MOST Important Evangelizing You Will Do…

By far, the MOST successful tool to get people to join in your study of Biblical Citizenship and the Constitution is… YOUR OWN TESTIMONIAL!

All the tools we provide will help you start the conversation… at Church, around the table, on your social media, wherever you are, but ultimately… word of mouth sharing is the key to this whole program.

YOU telling people how much you’ve enjoyed, how much you’ve been inspired, how this is the first NON-boring training on our role as citizens you’ve ever taken, and how you know it’s going to take all of us doing our part as Biblical citizens to preserve freedom for future generations… those are the things that will get people into your classes.

Now, to the tools…


We spend a lot of money & effort to create and share emails and Facebook posts that are short and sweet. 

They communicate the message in just a couple of minutes through intriguing and entertaining videos.

Use these to forward to your email lists, or post on your social media pages/accounts. Always encouraging others to “Join me for a Biblical Citizenship in Modern America class…” and include the dates and location of your class.

Simply copy and paste the URL into your own email, Facebook post, or other social media shares. 

Facebook Page

DYK Blog Posts



The following items are available for your use:

TPUSA Faith Biblical Citizenship Class Flyer – Link to Edit in Canva!

This file is for standard Biblical Citizenship classes for printing. It has a space to insert your class specific information. 


This letter from a former pastor and current coach is a great resource for sharing about the impact and importance of sharing this course in churches. Great testimonials!
At your final class, you may want to call forward all attendees to sign their name with the Founding Father’s as they pledge their lives, fortunes, & sacred honor! [We usually send it to FedEx for printing on a foam back for about $30, but it’s not required. You can simply print out as a sheet of paper.]

Sample verbiage for insert in Church bulletins, website or however best suited to announce your class!
[Copy & Paste into a document, then edit/share as needed]


 Pretty much every church, Christian organization, and individual has an email list of some sort. It’s a great way to get the message out about your class quickly and easily to a large number of people! Here is a sample template you can edit as needed for your class:
“Hello Friend, I’d like to invite you to a class at [LOCATION] I’ve been “called” to host, named “Biblical Citizenship in Modern America.” It’s a fun and inspiring opportunity to rendezvous with our Founding Fathers and learn more about their Biblical worldview, gain valuable knowledge of our country’s Constitution, its “original intent,” and our role as Biblical citizens!
Check out this short video HERE for a glimpse of what it’ll be like!
The class will run [NUMBER OF] weeks on [DAY OF THE WEEK] [TIME OF DAY e.g. “evenings” or “mornings”] at [LOCATION] beginning [DATE OF FIRST CLASS] from [TIME] till approx. [TIME] or so.

Please feel free to share with other Biblically-minded individuals you know who might be interested. The classes are FREE. Register [HERE – insert your registration link] to get immediate access to the FREE digital workbook.

We are so excited to share this inspiring class for such a time as this!!! Feel free to email with any questions.”




Some coaches enjoy awarding graduation certificates to students who complete the entire course. A PDF is provided below to download and print as desired.

 Download the Biblical Citizenship in Modern America Graduation Certificate