By far, the MOST successful tool to get people to join in your study of Biblical Citizenship and the Constitution is… YOUR OWN TESTIMONIAL!
All the tools we provide will help you start the conversation… at Church, around the table, on your social media, wherever you are, but ultimately… word of mouth sharing is the key to this whole program.
YOU telling people how much you’ve enjoyed, how much you’ve been inspired, how this is the first NON-boring training on our role as citizens you’ve ever taken, and how you know it’s going to take all of us doing our part as Biblical citizens to preserve freedom for future generations… those are the things that will get people into your classes.
Now, to the tools…
Featured New Resources:
* Quick Start Guide – Dec. ’22
* Talking with Pastors – Dec. ’22
* Action Steps Resource – July ’23
These flyers are immediately available for your use:
Local Flyer – This file is for Biblical Citizenship classes, and has the corner hash tags for printing alignment so be sure to crop before printing if you are printing yourself at home.
Biblical Citizenship Flyer Without Bleed Lines (w/o “free of charge” verbiage)
Biblical Citizenship Flyer With Bleed Lines (w/o “free of charge” verbiage)
Please feel free to share with other Biblically-minded individuals you know who might be interested. The classes are FREE. Register [HERE – insert your registration link] to get immediate access to the FREE digital workbook.
We are so excited to share this inspiring class for such a time as this!!! Feel free to email with any questions.”