The MOST Important Marketing You Will Do…

The MOST successful tool to get people to join in your study of the Constitution…


Word of mouth is the key to this whole program.

YOU telling people how much fun you’ve had, how much you’ve been inspired, how this is course brings history and government to life in a dynamic and engaging way, and how you know it’s going to take you and your friends doing their part as good citizens to save freedom for future generations… those are the things that will get people into your classes!

All of the tools we give you will help you start those conversations. All you have to do is start the conversations… on social media, at Church, around the dinner table, at work – wherever you are!

Now, to the tools…

Featured New Resources:

* Quick Start Guide – Dec. ’22
* Talking with Pastors – Jan. ’23
* Brand Resources & Guidelines
* Action Step Resource – July ’23
* Coach Handbook – Mar. ’23


We spend a lot of time, money, & effort to create and share emails and social media posts that are short and sweet.

They communicate the message in just a couple of minutes through intriguing and entertaining videos.

Use these!

Make sure you are on the email list and receive our “Did You Know” emails every few days, then share those with your contacts. Make sure you like the Facebook page and check it every few days for one of these “Did You Know” posts and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE.

Always add a comment in your share that says “Join me for a Constitution Class…” and include the dates you’ll be having a class.

There are 3 easy ways for you to share:

1. Be on our email list and when you get a Did You Know (DYK) email, forward it to everyone on your list!

2. Check our Facebook Page and share the DYK (Did You Know) posts every time we send them out.

3.  Scroll through our DYK blog posts and pick which ones you want to share.
Just copy and paste the URL into your own email, Facebook post, or other social media shares.



The following flyers are available for your use:

Local Flyer #1

This file is for Constitutional Defense Constitution Coach classes & has the corner hash tags for printing alignment so be sure to crop before printing if you are doing the printing yourself at home.

This flyer is perfect for advertising your local Constitution Alive! Class. Just add the info about your class in the blank space provided & print! (If the link
above does not work for you, you can get a compressed version HERE).
Use this flyer to advertise the Biblical Citizenship in Modern America course
Biblical Citizenship Flyer Without Bleed Lines (w/o “free of charge” verbiage)
Biblical Citizenship Flyer With Bleed Lines (w/o “free of charge” verbiage)
At your final class, you will want to call forward all attendees to place their name with the Founding Father’s as they pledge their lives, fortunes, & sacred honor.
You can download the Declaration Poster here. We usually send it to FedEx for printing on a foam back for about $30, but it’s not required. You can simply print it out as a sheet of paper.



Pretty much everyone has an email list of some sort. Even if it’s friends and family, it’s a great way to get the message out about your class quickly & easily to a large number of people!

Here is a sample email template that you can edit as needed for your class!

“Hello Friend, I’d like to invite you to a class at [LOCATION] I’m unexpectedly “called” to host, named “Constitution Alive”. It’s a fun and inspiring opportunity to rendezvous with our Founding Fathers and gain valuable knowledge of our country’s Constitution and its “original intent”.
You can check out this short video HERE for a glimpse of what it’ll be like!
The class will run [NUMBER OF] weeks on [DAY OF THE WEEK] [TIME OF DAY e.g. “evenings” or “mornings”] at [LOCATION] beginning [DATE OF FIRST CLASS] from [TIME] till approx. [TIME] or so.

Please feel free to share with like-minded others you know who might be interested. The classes are FREE (w/option to buy a workbook). Register [HERE – insert your registration link] to get immediate access to the FREE digital workbook.

I’m SO EXCITED!!! Feel free to email with any questions.”



Some coaches enjoy passing out graduation certificates to students. A PDF is below for your use.

Download Constitution Alive Graduation Certificate

Download Biblical Citizenship in Modern American Graduation Certificate

Download Constitutional Defense of Your Family & Freedom Certificate

When you host a Constitutional Defense of Your Family & Freedom class, you and your students are eligible to receive a $100 off one of our Firearms Training Courses! You must have at least 1 person registered for your class that you created in your Coach Dashboard, and your students must have attended at least 5 of the 7 classes in order to be eligible. Email [email protected] to let them know you hosted this class, and have your students email a pic of their filled out graduation certificate to redeem this promotion!

Download American Campfire Revival Certificate