have teamed up to equip you with the most engaging, entertaining course on the Constitution. Register now for the next BIBLICAL CITIZENSHIP class starting JULY 8, 2024!

Watch these videos with COS Founder Mark Meckler & America's Constitution Coach, Rick Green, to learn how you can take advantage of the FREE Constitution Coach License available to COS volunteers. Host a Constitution Class online, or in your home, or at your church using these tools and entertaining programs. Provide community for your friends and family through these gatherings, while equipping, inspiring and educating those you love! Help educate your community on Constitutional principles as we work towards a Convention of States to restore those principles. Sign up below to join the next class and even become a Constitution Coach (for free) to create and host your own classes!


Civic Ignorance is the #1 reason for the loss of freedom in America.
Civic Literacy is the cure.

Constitution Alive! is a fun, entertaining Citizen's Guide to America's Founding Documents and YOU can be the Constitution Coach that brings it to life for those in your community.


Classes Are Being Held Across America Including ONLINE

Everyone has a sphere of influence. It may be five people or it may be five thousand, but each of us can speak out, participate in the debate, and be an influence on those around us. Sometimes it will be at the coffee shop or the little league game, but wherever you are, look for an opportunity to politely plant seeds of the principles that made America great.

Just as Paul Revere rode all night to warn; “the British are coming,” you and I must consistently warn our friends, family, and fellow countrymen that the greatness of America is in danger of being lost.

In order to defend and protect the Constitution, we need men and women in office who care about its true intent. It is our job as citizens to remove the ones who ignore original intent and replace them with those who understand and respect it.

To do that job well, we must become educated and equipped.

If you love our country and want to help raise up more Patriots, then we’d love for you to consider becoming a Constitution Coach. All that is required to be a Constitution Coach is that you’re willing to get together a group of people from your church, school, community or anywhere and hit play on your DVD player or computer.

That’s it!

You don’t need to teach (unless of course you want to) or have any formal training. You’ll get complete access to our Constitution Alive content that will do all the teaching for you.

By enrolling in our Constitution Coach Program you will get the following:

✅ Access to live & recorded webinars with Rick & special guests
✅ Access to the Private FaceBook group reserved for coaches
✅ Digital Dashboard for Easy Student Registration, Management of your classes, and automatic email reminders to your students.
✅ Regular updates, interviews, and additional topic videos from Rick & special guests that you can use in your classes
✅ Access to Free digital workbook (physical workbooks available for purchase if preferred)
✅ Marketing materials to advertise your class, including flyers & promo videos
✅ License to use the content for your live classes as often and to as many as you wish

Becoming a Constitution Coach includes thousands of dollars in value, but most important, YOU become the catalyst for restoration of Constitutional Principles!

Are you ready?
Our country needs you and its future depends on leaders like you to step up and help us preserve our freedom.


We teach people what their freedoms are, where they came from and how to preserve freedom for themselves and the next generation of Americans.


Faith based constitutional politics from a historical perspective that promotes moral clarity, family and values over personal gain and private agendas.


There has been a rekindling of that sacred fire of liberty that will burn brighter than ever before because we've grabbed that torch of liberty.

NOW is the time! You can have a HUGE impact in 2022!

We'll train & equip you.
Anyone can do this!
When you sign up, you can show the videos in crowds as large as you wish, you will have full access to the live and recorded trainings from Rick, and full access to the private Facebook group reserved for Constitution Coaches from across the Nation.
You will also receive marketing materials and videos to promote your local classes and workbooks and other resources for your class!

Are People Willing to Study the Constitution?

See What Some of Our Current Coaches Say:

David Casey
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My wife and I have been blessed and fortunate to teach this class three times at our church home, LoveJoy church, in Lancaster, NY during our "Connect" group semesters. People are shocked to hear the statistics that you and Mr. Barton share during the dialog. They are surprised at how faithful and Godly many of the founders were as they had never been taught that in public school. Overall I love the class and structure. The inclusion of the "Constitution Made Easy" is great and I make it a prerequisite before our first meeting.
Pam Johnson
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The DVDs are wonderful. Work books excellent. Really brought things to life!
Robert Cizek
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I facilitated a Constitution Alive class earlier this year. It was sponsored by the Hudson, WI School District continuing education dept. They provided space in an elementary school library. The class was open for anyone 15 yrs old or older, about 20 people attended. This is a very good class and I would be willing to help with your 1000 coaches effort.
Greg Lenz
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Facilitated “Constitution Alive” as an adult education program in the church I was pastoring. Enjoyed the fast paced, insightful presentations that taught us so much about the original intent of the Constitution and its ongoing meaning for our country today. People loved your kids’ outstanding recitations.
Charles Beatty
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We have been doing your constitution classes in SE Pennsylvania for years. We started with your 1st DVD series done in a church. We have done 75-100 classes in churches, schools and home groups with over 1,000 participants so far. Currently we have 5 active teachers. All you have to do to get started is ask your churches, schools or friends about holding a class.
Kathryn van der Pol
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I have hosted three Constitution Classes, two of them using your materials Constitution Alive. I would love to help you in this mission. Your program is inspiring, thorough, and much needed in these times.
Ron & Diane Geyer
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Diane and I just want to thank you for the effort you made in putting together the Constitution Alive series. What a blessing and what an impact you made on our people. We took 16 weeks in two 8 week sessions to cover the material..and it was fantastic. We had about 40 people on average, we gifted them with the workbook and we held it in the Church we attend Sunday evenings. Man, the folks loved it!
Ronee Jordan
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This has been my most favorite class that I have ever taught in our Co-op. I look forward to offering it again when it becomes needed!! Not only did the students receive extremely valuable information, the parents' Constitution knowledge springboarded as well.
Donna Womack
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I presented Constitution Alive several times to small groups in my church. It is an awesome set of DVDs and was well received. Even though I was prepared for questions and answers, the DVDs were, in itself, enough. Great teaching tool all on its own.

FAR better than Monday night football, we'll be doing Monday Night Constitution Training and YOU need to be there. Each Monday evening, we will go through a class video and then Rick Green, David Barton, & Tim Barton will join us live for Q&A.