The History of Patriot Academy
In 1998, an enthusiastic young attorney named Rick Green was elected to the Texas House of Representatives.
Representative Green was a passionate conservative, but grew concerned by the lack of understanding and adherence to conservative principles he saw in his colleagues.
He quickly realized that the solution was not to change those in government, but to train up a new generation of conservative leaders.
He thought, “Why not create a program that combines hands-on political training with instruction in true conservative principles?”
Rick shared his idea with friends and leaders, and in 2000 they formed The Torch of Freedom Foundation…the first step in realizing their vision.
Members of the board began to lay the groundwork for Patriot Academy – Capitol Boot Camps, a weeklong summer program to train students in conservative principles and practical politics, with an emphasis on Godly character.
During this time, Rick joined WallBuilders, an organization dedicated to preserving America’s Godly heritage. WallBuilders embraced Patriot Academy and sponsored it as an outstanding opportunity to raise up the next generation of Godly leaders in America.
The first Patriot Academy was held at the Texas State Capitol in 2003.
Students from around the nation were astounded by the interactive workshops, a mock-legislative session, and inspirational mentoring. The young people shared a deep desire to make a difference in their nation, but didn’t know where to start.
They left understanding how to get involved and be a part of the future of their nation. (Read what students say about their experience at Patriot Academy)
Today, Patriot Academy Capitol Boot Camps is the premiere political training program in the nation. The PA leadership has experienced great joy as they have watched alumni apply what they learned.
Students of the Academy have gone on to serve as campaign consultants, pro-life activists, legislative staffers, candidates and elected officials.
No better reward could be experienced than to watch the next generation accept the Torch of Freedom and dedicate their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to keep it burning brightly.